Movie Reviews World
Movie Reviews World
Extraction was directed by Sam Hargrave and stars Chris Hemsworth as a mercenary that's tracking down the son of a drug lord that was kidnapped in India but as his mission turns deadly very quickly he begins to realize this kid has sought after by a lot more people than he originally thought this film premiere don Netflix today and I gave it a watch because it's written by Joe Russo produced by him and his brother Anthony and it's directed by Sam Hargrave the veteran stunt coordinator of the Avengers movies some of the Pirates of the Caribbean films he's been around doing stunt work for a while and this is his first time behind the camera and in the past, I would have been like who's stunt man making a movie but ever since the John wick films I don't take anything for granted and his past work as a stunt coordinator is obvious throughout

this movie the action scenes are mind-blowing there are at least a couple scenes in this movie that are some of the best hand-to-hand combat I've seen recently in a movie there's one, in particular, that's about an 11minute simulated one take you can tell where some of the cuts are but the effect is pretty seamless and this sequence in particular has the potential to be an all-timer in regards to action scenes I think this movie will be studied by stunt coordinators and people who want to work as stunt people it's an extremely violent movie Chris Hemsworth is killing motherfuckers left and right ripping off heads throwing people into brick walls tossing people around people are getting hit by trucks and just fucking flying into the air, it's really really fun stuff if you're an action movie junkie and despite its VOD like the title a title that seems like it would star Michael Madsen and Bruce Willis and be at the bottom of a bin at your local Walmart this movie was a lot better than I expected it to be I'll put it this way I've turned off a lot of Netflix movies way through I didn't turn this one off all that being said it will definitely not be studied for its characterization or its subtlety or its plot this is a very bare-bones plot Chris Hemsworth is a mercenary he's got a bit of a romantic past he's been hired to track down

this kid and bring him to safety the movie doesn't try to be too much else it knows exactly what it is and it's pretty good at being that and it's pretty okay with being that if this was being written by a spec writer someone who isn't Joe Russo someone who wants to get into the business it would probably be thrown back into their face saying look this is just some straight-to-DVD shit you're never gonna get this made just forget it but since Joe Russo's behind it and Anthony Russo the film got made and obviously this is the Avengers team figuring out how to make a cool action movie that could be on Netflix and I'm excited about Sam Har grave forgetting to direct this movie because he shows an areal flair for this type of action work but there's definitely something to be said about the fact that the movie doesn't really have that much else to offer beyond the action scenes and Chris Hemsworth's extreme likability and charisma in the lead role he's very good in the film he does a lot of the stuff himself the stunt team again I must say is just remarkable in this movie and they can't be given enough praise but if you don't really care that much about action films and you'd rather be invested in the characters in the situation and the drama of the moment

you're not going to get as much of that although they do give about as much as they can to a plot that is as fast as this there's enough of a backstory for Chris Hemsworth to get invested in him and to feel for him in a way we've kind of strayed away from the Cobras and the Predators of the 80s where heroes pouted one-liners and now we have really tragic backstories for our main characters instead there's still some fun to be had in this movie but I can understand why some people might actually think it's a little too violent that's not a problem for me though I don't watch a movie like this expecting it to be tame and in a world where everyone loves John wick I'm surprised that so many critics have actually complained about the violence well I can understand it does surprise me I have a feeling it's probably because John wick is a more pulpy experience it's a little more fun extraction is more hard-edged although the action is over-the-top it feels a little more plausible and so it's a little harder to disconnect from the fact that you're watching a movie and in some ways some of the violence in the movie might bothersome it didn't bother me it's a movie it's a fiction and although I don't really expect that much more than some great action out of a movie called extraction directed by a stunt coordinator I would have liked to have seen a lot more characterization given to the kid that he's rescuing Hemsworth gets some you understand his back story eventually and you can relate to him but the kid he likes to play the piano he occasionally moves his fingers on his knee like he's playing the piano to calm himself down but besides that, you don't really know that much about him

he's a son of a ruthless crime lord what's his life like what's it like being the son of a crime lord having a target on your back just to get at your dad that's interesting and they don't explore enough of that I think that could have really helped a movie still there's in particular that 11-minutes one-take scene and then there's like a hand-to-hand combat scene where Hemsworth is just to sin dudes around a brick building really amazing stuff and I found myself pretty riveted by the action scenes but you're not gonna get that level of attention with the characters in this movie and sometimes I can really be in the mood for one of those I'm gonna give extraction a B it' son Netflix right now give it a watch if you just want to watch some really great action scenes I think this movie delivers for the most part guys thank you so much as always for watching look forward to more reviews very soon and if you like this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes