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this extremely important computer chip, I guess and Dwayne Johnson and Gina Caranoour partners on the police force and they enlist the help of Vin Diesel and his crew to bring this guy down Fast & Furious 6 is a lot of fun it knows exactly what it is and it's not trying to be anything else this is over-the-top in-your-face adrenaline-fuelled testosterone man fest filled with car chases fistfights running chases explosions planes and of course bikini-clad booties it would be a huge mistake for me and I think any film critic to try to judge this film beyond what it's trying to be this film is trying to be nothing more than an awesome action movie and a great injection of summer fun something that I think we have been sorely lacking so far this year this movie brings it has nothing but fast-paced action sequences and a lot of really good humor that actually had me laughing I'm kind of a hard laugh when it comes to movies it's a little bit hard to get a laugh out of me I can sometimes chuckle or smile at something but this movie had me falling a lot yes I just said guffaw because I'm apparently 56 years old if you goin this movie expecting anything other than a fast in the Furious movie and a really good one you're going to be disappointed let's talk a little bit about the plot of this movie car chases man car chases there's a chip an evil computer chip and there's a bad guy Luke Evans who's after it and I got to stop it and Michelle Rodriquez ain't dead that's the plot let's do some car chases this movie is directed very very well Justin Lin understands how to direct an action sequence there is no stupid unnecessary shaky-cam and quick cuts every split second this the movie has a lot of wide takes and angles of real stunt work done by real vehicles are done by real stuntmen and it is enthralling I was extremely excited whenever an action sequence started in this movie because they were directed so well and they were so so much fun to watch I won't spoil anything for you but be sure to not get up as soon
as the credits start there's a little something extra for you to enjoy acting in the movie serviceable just fine honestly I mean it's they know what they're doing they've been doing it a lot this is the sixth one they shouldn't hope hi now how to make these movies and it's about in my opinion on par with a fifth one there are certain elements about it that are better than the fifth one, for instance, the villain in this movie played by Luke Evans is much better than the villain in the fifth one the villain the fifth one was just you know he was okay he did the job whatever the villain in this the movie actually got his hands dirty he went out and he did stuff he drove around the cars Luke Evans did a pretty good job in this movie he was a fun menacing a villain you know they have their scenes where they stand there and they talk and they're like you're a bad guy and I'm a good guy I'm gonna tell you what's right and wrong and you're gonna listen because I'm the good guy but I'm bad guy and I'm gonna tell you that you're gonna die your family's gonna die but I'm the good guy my name is Vin Diesel and I'm gonna kill you because I'm Vin Diesel that's the movie basically I just really think it'd be a really big mistake if you go into this movie expecting anything else and what it is there are fast cars those booties there are lots of fistfights in action and it's all done very well all the people in this movie have worked together for so long and the biggest theme of The Fast and the Furious movie seems to be family and togetherness and you take care of those that you love and you really feel that in this movie these actors have good chemistry they really do and they work well together one thing I really like is the fast and furious movies are just filled with different ethnicities there are so many different people black white Asian whatever if there is one thing you could ever say derogatorily about these movies, it's not that they're whitewashed or their race-specific or something there's everything in
this movie the action sequences are going to blow you out of the water if you want to critique the actions of the film go ahead I mean it doesn't really matter they all do what they have to do they're serviceable performances and Dwayne Johnson is also awesome it's going to say that guy is awesome in everything nowadays I'm really loving that guy he's kind of becoming one of the best action heroes of our day Vin Diesel's phoning the movie paul walker spot-on the movie all the actors have a good time Tyrese Gibson and Ludacris and the way they go back and forth of one another good chemistry good humor legitimately good humor FasFurious 6is a great summer the movie it's a lot of fun it's a cheesy movie with like stunt work that would like never happen with stunts they're like yeah okay no it's just not in real-life buddy but need I remind you this is fast in the Furious 6 I'm gonna get fast in the Furious 6 and a - that's right because I'll tell you why this the movie does what it wants to do extremely well it's a very technically well-constructed movie and in my opinion you can't blame this movie for having such a small little plot and silly over-the-top action it's fast in the Furious 6 how many time shave to say it a - it's a good frickin movie go check it out it's a lot of fun have fun with it the action scenes are well directed and I enjoyed it thanks for reading guys and as always if you liked this you can comment here and get stuck mine eyes